Get More Mods

How to get more mods from GameBanana, plus some community recommendations.

P3F Community Enhancement Pack was retired on 05 January 2024.

The pack still works, but it will no longer receive updates or support. Information on this page may be outdated.

See the End of Life FAQ for more information.


Looking to add even more mods to Persona 3 FES? You're in the right place!

Not every mod is compatible with P3F CEP.

Make sure to read the mod page before downloading the mod!

Browsing GameBanana

GameBanana is the home of the P3F modding community.

There are over 100 mods available for the game, and most of them can be installed to Aemulus with just two clicks!

GameBanana Browser

You can discover and install new mods using the GameBanana browser built into Aemulus.

  • Launch Aemulus.

  • Select Download Packages in the top-left corner of the window to launch the GameBanana package browser.

For more information, visit the Download Packages and Organize and Build pages in the official Aemulus guide.

Community Recommendations

These are some popular mods that are completely compatible with P3F CEP.

Mod NameInformation

Improves the quality of FMV cutscenes. If you'd like to play with Japanese voices, use the Deinterlaced Undub Cutscenes mod instead.

Replaces the character voices with the Japanese-language voice lines.

Replaces the FMV cutscenes with the Japanese-language videos.

A massive game balance overhaul that rebalances Skills and adds a few new ones. The full version of the mod also changes party member Skills and should only be used when starting a new game. The Lite version does not change party member Skills but is safer to apply to games in progress.

Last updated